Michelle Fontroy
2 min readMar 1, 2021



Growing up if there was one thing that I can say I learned and will always remember is that the truth will always find its way out no matter how hard you try to keep it away. It doesn’t matter if it is just one little white lie or a bunch of lies that have piled up, they can always come back to bite you when you least expect it.

It’s a coincidence that this is this week’s topic because I recently finished watching a show that was based on the characters trying to keep the truth about their history from coming out. Throughout the show the main characters let their lies pile up until there was no return and it ended up having a worse outcome than if they would have just told the truth from the beginning. I feel that no matter how bad you think a person will feel about knowing the truth, lying to them in place of telling the truth will just make it one hundred times worse than it would be had you just told the truth in the first place. I currently work at Starbucks and one of the values that the manager makes sure to teach the workers is to always be transparent. By working and going by this value it helps to reduce any tension or drama that can happen if a person is just holding things in or has an opinion about another person but chooses to say something behind their back but act differently to their face. I hate conflict so I try to always hold my opinion about someone in; after working for a while I’ve learned that it’s better to just voice my opinion and be transparent instead of keeping the truth about how I feel inside. The truth is something that cannot be hidden so instead of trying to hide it, why not just imagine telling truth as ripping a band-aid off; the quicker you do it, the least painful it will be to do it.

