Michelle Fontroy
2 min readMar 29, 2021



Power to me is having the ability to influence others or yourself to do something. Thinking about the word power, the first thought I have is the power that people have inside mentality-wise. Many people have the power in them to make things easier and better for them, but many people choose to not make use of that power. Another meaning of power to me is the power people have to make a change which is what I’ve been thinking about since reading the directions about the upcoming essay.

Many people have the power to produce change and help things for many people if they choose to use that power for good. People have been using the power in them to work hard to make a change for things that they feel are not right in the world and many people have benefitted from that. Just speaking out about something unjust can help encourage other people to use the power in them for the better. Everyone has the power of their words to speak out and all we have to do is to decide to use that power and speak out to make things right. With the problem/solution essay coming up, I have been thinking more about a lot of issues that can be solved if people were to come together and use their power of speech to voice their opinions and make a change.

I hope that in time people with use the power they have to voice things that they feel are unjust and can speak out with confidence. What people don’t realize is that the power they need to speak out is there and they just need to reach deep inside and bring that power out. Power is always within reach, you just have to choose how you want to release it and whether or not you want to use that power for good or bad.

