
Michelle Fontroy
2 min readFeb 8, 2021

When I think about the word “justice”, I picture the fair and equal treatment of everything. Justice isn’t always fair in the way that people want it to be, but I feel that sometimes it works out in their favor. Thinking a little deeper on the justice in the U.S. I see that there is a lot of injustice done to a majority of people of color.

People of color are dealt a worse hand when it comes to any part of the legal system and are scorned worse than other are. I feel that racial injustice is something that really needs to be worked on and needs a lot of improvement to help solve and make things better. Now I’m not saying that it’s strictly people of color that deal with injustice because everybody is dealing with it one way or the other, I just think that there is only a low amount of other people dealing with it so I feel that people should try to treat everyone fairly.

Another way I think that justice is used is in places such as schools. In school a way that justice is held is by teachers treating every student fairly. Teachers don’t always treat everyone fairly and they sometimes target other students, but I like to think that a lot of teachers have the ability to be just. While not everybody is treated with the same amount of justice, I think that with some more work and the right knowledge, everyone will treat people fairly and with an equal standing.

