
Michelle Fontroy
2 min readFeb 1, 2021

When I think about what beauty is , I think about the standard that has unfortunately been placed into everyone's minds. The standard is that to be qualified as beautiful or having beauty requires having perfect skin, perfect hair, and a perfect weight. Yet thing we need to learn is that everybody has flaws and nobody is perfect.

Since I have been young, I’ve been self-conscious about my weight and my looks and it has just gotten worse as time goes by. I understand that people say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, yet as the so-called “beholder” I have yet to see the beauty that I am meant to see. I hope that with time I will become happy with my looks but until that time comes, I realized that I need to teach myself to accept that there will always be something I find wrong with myself. The main thing is I need to not let it affect me as strongly as I have been letting it all these years.

People need to learn to accept themselves for who they are and not let societal standards control how they view themselves. I am working on getting into the mindset of realizing that there is nothing wrong with me and figuring out that it is all in my head. Beauty standards will keep changing and will always have people trying to achieve what is set by other people’s picture of perfect, but I hope that people will come to appreciate themselves and see the beauty that is laying within. What people really need to realize is that beauty is not what’s on the outside but what’s on the inside and we need to stop letting these beauty standards define us.

